Who we are

The SCBA is an association of craft breweries that are licensed, owned and operated in Saskatchewan.  We approach brewing with a commitment to using innovative techniques and high-quality processes and inputs, all with a commitment to producing a high-quality, premium product.


We're happy to introduce Canadian Casino Classic sponsors to Saskatoon citizens. Casino Classic has garnered popularity among Canadian gamblers due to extensive collection of high-quality games, ranging from classic table games to modern video slots, catering to a diverse range of gambling preferences. Casino Classic's commitment to security and fair play resonates well with Canadian gamblers.

Our Members

9 Mile Legacy Brewing CompanyBlack Bridge BreweryRebellion Brewing CoNokomis Craft Ales Paddock Wood Brewing Co
District Brewing CoBrewsters Churchill Brewing
21st St. BreweryPile O' Bones Brewing Co.Malty National Brewing CorpHigh Key Brewing Prairie Sun Brewery Saskatoon Brewery

Our Board

Kari Stenson, President
Black Bridge Brewery

Grant Frew, Treasurer
Bushwakker Brewpub

Madeline Conn, Secretary
High Key Brewing Co.

Chris Beavis - Director at Large
21st Street Brewery

Joe van Heerdan - Director at Large
District Brewing Co.

First Annual Saskatchewan Brewers Festival


The festival featured a variety of unique beer of a traditional and creative nature, with a particular focus on cask beer. Participants had an opportunity to sample a selection of local, Saskatchewan-made beer that isn’t available anywhere else in the province.

Saturday October 13, 2018
3:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Winston's English Pub & Grill
243 - 21st Street East
Saskatoon, SK S7K 0B7

For Tickets:  CLICK HERE

SCBA Collaboration held at Nokomis Craft Ales, March 10th, 2018

Zeus, the ancient Greek god - lord of the world and Olympus


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